Etymology (WORD ORIGINS) with Helen Zaltzman of The Allusionist podcast

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The brilliant and dazzling Helen Zaltzman, host of The Allusionist podcast and person who technically for a living researches the origins of language and thus is an etymologist, visits Alie's apartment to chat about various word origins, gender in language, the Bible a.k.aThe Oxford English Dictionary, origins of the filthiest slang, emoji decoding, mediocrity, step parents, babies wearing glasses, Greek kimonos, the romance of languages and the fundamental truth that languages is always changing whether you want it to or not. Also tomatoes, pliable boobs, avocados, and fish trails.

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The Allusionist Podcast,

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Sound editing by Jarrett Sleeper of MindJam Media & Steven Ray Morris

Theme song by Nick Thorburn

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