Spooooktober 2021!

A glorious photo of a painted bat by Dr. Merlin Tuttle, Chiropterolgist.

OHAI. How am I doing? Ehhhhh, I am hanging in there my friends and I thank you so so much for your patience as we encored a few spectacular Spooktobular episodes. I was up near San Francisco for a few weeks helping my wonderful spouse (your podmom Jarrett) recover from ACL surgery and a cadaver ligament transplant. Spooky!

So last week we encored the incredible Dr. Kaeli’s Swift’s episode about CROW FUNERALS, which can be found here:

Or listen via Stitcher, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get podcasts. For more links on stuff we talked about, check out this page.

And this week, you’re getting to re-meet Dr. Merlin Tuttle, the world’s most beloved bat expert:

Or listen via Stitcher, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get podcasts. For more info, there are plenty of links up here.

Meanwhile: get all up in even MORE creepy, eerie, beautiful science with these episodes:

🍁 Phenology (SEASONS) with Dr. Libby Ellwood

💀 Osteology (SKELETONS/BODY FARMS) with Dr. Danny Wescott

🎃 Cucurbitology (PUMPKINS) with Anne Copeland

🕸 Spidroinology (SPIDERWEBS) with Dr. Randy Lewis

👹 Demonology (EVIL SPIRITS) with Dr. Alyssa Beall

🦇 Chiropterology (FRIGGIN’ BATS) with Dr. Merlin Tuttle

⚰️ Thanatology (DEATH & DYING) with Cole Imperi

🦅 Corvid Thanatology (CROW FUNERALS) with Dr. Kaeli Swift

🦅 Condorology (CONDORS & VULTURES) with Dr. Jonathan C. Hall

🕷Forest Entomology (CREEPY CRAWLIES) with Dr. Kristen Wickert

📚Anthropodermic Biocodicology (HUMAN LEATHER BOOKS) with Megan Rosenbloom and Dr. Daniel Kirby

💄 Desairology (MORTUARY MAKEUP) with Monica Torres

We’ll be back next week with a fresh new Spooktober episode and I’m pretty hyped to be honest.

Alie Ward